Environmental 健康

person standing on top of a mountain with a flag

Environmental wellness is contributing to and engaging with spaces that are safe, accessible, and sustainable.

Signs of Environmental 健康 

  • Being aware of the limits of the earth's natural resources
  • Conserving energy (i.e. shutting off unused lights)
  • Recycling paper, cans, and glass as much as possible
  • Enjoying and appreciating time outside in natural settings
  • Not polluting the air, water or earth 
  • Creating home and work environments that are supportive and nurturing

Check in with your environmental wellness:

  • Is your room a place that you feel comfortable, safe and at ease in?
  • Do you have mementos of things that are important to you?
  • Do you find time to explore nature? 
  • When you think about coming to UNH, where do you think you would like to study? 

Since studying will be your main job at UNH, finding an environment that allows you to focus and be productive will be key. This may be your room, study lounge, library, or another place on campus. If you haven't already, explore and find one or more study spaces that works for you. 


Explore Environmental 健康

Creating an Environmentally Well Living Space at UNH

Enjoying 自然 at UNH

Environmental 健康 Resources at UNH 

Talk to Someone about Environmental 健康 

UNH students can make individual appointments with a 幸福 Educator/Counselor to discuss wellness. Call (603) 862-3823 or make an appointment 在线